
bZ, Infernal Pest

Name bZ [bee-zee]
Gender Nonbinary (they/it)
Age ???
Species Fly, Demon
Former angel, now demon. Lives in hell alongside other demons. They were sent out to study human behaviors, but their anxiety frequently impedes them. They tend to get distracted by human entertainment and media. bZ likes to spend their time making their own creative works.

Notable Abilities

Changing between forms bZ can change between their human form (Well-done), demon form (Rare), and partial demon forms (Medium).
Transforming into a fly bZ can transform themself into any insect of the order Diptera.
Changing size bZ is able to shrink themself to the size of a fly. However, they cannot grow larger than their normal height.
Double-jump bZ can use flap their wings mid-air to give themself an extra boost.
Acid and Poison bZ can produce a corrosive acid and has immunity to the effects of poisons and acids.
Necromancy bZ has the power to manipulate the dead.
Explode bZ is able to explode themself. Often occurs due to high emotion.
Traveling to other worlds bZ is free to enter any world/universe/dimension.


  • bZ's normal height is around 5'2".
  • They suck at flying when in human form.
  • bZ may bite people when upset.
  • They have a pet chicken named Dracula.
  • bZ can be frequently found inside trash receptacles.
  • They can play the bass.
bZ is my sona! They're like an exaggerated version of myself.

They're based off of the demon, Beelzebub.