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The Composition
of Magic


What is Magic?

Magic is an act of creation. These creations are only a reflection, or mimicry, of the natural world. Magic cannot manipulate the preexisting. Anyone can use magic to various degrees, but those who specialize in the use and study of magic are known as magicians.
a magicician using magic

What is Anima?

Anima is produced exclusively by humans. It flows throughout the body, akin to veins of blood. It is intangible in this state and only becomes tangible upon using magic. When casting magic, Anima is released through the extremities of the body. It is then manipulated into a new form, to create something new. Anima can be channeled and cast through objects. Channeling works best with long objects like rods, swords, and firearms.

Anima is not a limitless well, but it cannot be completely depleted either. Low amounts of Anima can cause one to become physically weaker. Anima may be recovered over time through recuperation. The flow of Anima is limited by one's physical condition. Someone who is ailing may have a weaker flow than those who are healthy and practice magic frequently.

Forms of Anima

Each person resonates to a certain form of Anima. Anima can take the form of anything that exists in the natural world: plants, animals, minerals, elements, and more. Anyone is free manipulate their Anima into any form, but they are best at the form they resonate the strongest with. With practice, someone can become better at using forms of Anima they are not resonant with.
a figure surrounded by various forms of anima

The Sound of Magic

When magic is used, a sound is produced as well. Often melodic in nature, these sounds resemble music. It is unique to each individual, with the user being able to change the arrangement of the sound. An individual's sound could be considered a representation of their "self", and can evolve over time as they grow older.
phases of the moon

The Effect of the Moon

The phase of the moon is known to have an effect on a person's Anima and personality. A full moon may enhance the circulation of Anima, but can also cause people to become erratic. However, who is affected by the moon is inconsistent, with some individuals being unaffected entirely.

Residual Anima

Typically upon death, a person's Anima dissipates, but their body may leave behind Residual Anima. Typically the amount of Residual Anima is small and unnoticeable, and will fade away quickly. Large amounts of Residual Anima can last decades, and potentially centuries and may cause mysterious phenomena. Very rarely, Residual Anima can also create "apparitions": Anima that resembles the original user's appearance.
a cave entrance in a forest surrounded by fog

Magic as Entertainment

Magic is used in performances, both visual and auditory. Anima can be manipulated into a pleasing spectacle for audiences. The sound produced when using magic can be used in musical performances, often alongside musical instruments.

Both of these aspects are used in a popular form of entertainment: duels. Two people engage in battle utilizing weapons and magic until one side runs can no longer use Anima or surrenders. Duels are fought as entertainment for both the participants and the audience. The combination of visuals and sound have lead to the development of duels as a performance. The original purpose of duels, to settle disputes among people, is still in practice to this day.
two figures dueling with swords and using magic