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AGE: Mid-Late 20s GENDER: Female (She/Her) HEIGHT: 6'6" PSYCHIC ABILITY: Electrokinesis

A villainous scientist seeking immortality. She has the psychic ability to manipulate electricity, which she also uses to power the inventions she creates. She is frequently impeded and pestered by heroes who want to stop her from achieving her goals.

She is very prideful, and views everyone as inferior to her. While her personality is sour on the outside, she does enjoy the company of others. She tends to be distrustful, but can become very protective of anyone who manages to gain her trust.

Her laboratory is located in a swamp, which is populated with alligators. Reluctantly roommates with Sunny.

  • Her hair changes to a lightning bolt shape
    when she releases a burst of electrity.
  • She is a big fan of horror movies.
  • Her favorite flavor is strawberry.