Updates and News
Back to home03-01-25 Added Games page alongside my new game Dismal Dungeon. Look forward to seeing new games in the future.
...and added art to the Art page.01-12-25 Added 2025 Art.
12-21-24 Added art to the Art page.
11-12-24 Updated Rose world Character page.
...and added art to the Art page.07-29-24 Added a book to Rose world.
...and added art to the Art page.07-17-24 Added minor updates to Vitality.
06-30-24 Added new world: Vitality.
06-14-24 Added 2023 + 2024 Art.
06-13-24 Added bZ page
09-28-23 Made some parts of site more mobile friendly.
08-22-23 New layout for the Art page.
08-10-23 Added Dream 6.
08-04-23 Added Dream 5.
07-31-23 Added a new Dream.
03-30-23 Removed Article page, replaced with Dreams.
...Added the Extras page.
...Updated the Art page.03-06-23 Added Character page to EFFE.
03-02-23 Added a guestbook.
...and added art to the Art page.
...and added a LIZARD page.02-23-23 Been a little while since I last updated. Due to some personal life issues, I haven't been able to work on the site. The year just started and I already got sick. Twice!
Today's update is just an Art update, so check it out when you can.
I'm think of redoing the art page again in the future, we'll see.12-31-22 Updated the Art page with December works.
12-02-22 Updated the Art page.
11-16-22 New song! Listen here!
11-02-22 Updated the Art page.
Also added new art as well.10-30-22 Redid the homepage. Now it's distinct from the other pages!
Next up on the chopping block: Redo the art gallery.9-29-22 Some music from 2020. Check it out here.
9-22-22 I'm sharing some of my music from 2019. Check it out here.
8-30-22 New post: Dreams 2
8-24-22 Total website overhaul! Still a work in progress.
8-4-22 New post: Marukawa Bubblegum Review
7-25-22 New post: Reviewing 3 Snacks/Candy
7-23-22 Added recent art. Check it out.
7-8-22 Added some of my 2020-2021 art to the gallery. Check it out here.
Also added some art to the 2022 section.7-2-22 Updated the home page. It should be more mobile friendly now.
6-30-22 Comic Update! Chapter 1 - Gold
Added New Art.6-24-22 More words from me, I've detailed a few dreams of mine: Dreams 1
6-8-22 Created a new article: The Playable Tribes of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
6-6-22 New Comic! Chapter 1 - Gold
6-1-22 June has come. I've added a few new things to this page.
5-27-22 I've created my first journal entry about a video game I like: Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
5-25-22 Redid a whole bunch of stuff. Created new page: Journal.
5-23-22 Added Art. Added new characters.
5-19-22 Added art to Art.
5-14-22 Overhauled Characters page.
5-7-22 Added art to Art. Fixed up some links.
4-29-22 Added index page to Sausageman.
4-27-22 Added three new character profiles to Sausageman.
4-22-22 Fixed up the home page. Added stuff to the Sausageman pages.
11-07-22 Updated Worlds. It's where I'm putting my ocs and stuff, but it's still super under construction at the moment.